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Activity 12.1

Activity 12.1

Learning vocabulary and aspects of Deaf culture

The students will learn vocabulary that will help them communicate about feelings, needs, and emotions.

Play Clip 12.1a (Words to describe feelings) and have the students sign along with the presenters until they can sign the words well.

Play Clip 6.1a from Unit 6 and have the students recall the signs that support the theme of that unit. Ask them to refer to their copies of Worksheet 6.1 (Vocabulary – Describing conditions, needs, and wants) to help them to recall the vocabulary.

Reviewing previously learned material
Review any of the following scenes:

Find out how much the students understand. Play the selected scene again. Tell the students to notice how the people use manual and non-manual signs, for example, facial expressions, to express their feelings.

Talk about how feelings are expressed quite openly within the Deaf community. In Deaf culture, physical contact is quite usual. Deaf people hug more often than shake hands, especially when greeting and farewelling one another.

Discuss how the students express their feelings, emotions, and needs in their cultures. What are some of the similarities and differences that they notice with Deaf culture?

Formulaic patterns of language
Raise the students’ awareness of formulaic language patterns used in particular situations and contexts. For example, a question often asked in English is "What’s wrong?". This kind of question is not so common in NZSL. More often, you would see it presented as:


IX-you ALRIGHT IX-youy/n q

Your students may be able to offer other examples of formulaic language and differences across cultures that they have become aware of as a result of learning NZSL and other languages.

Reinforce learning
Play Clip 12.1a again, with the students signing along with the presenters to reinforce their learning.

Play scene H. Hand out copies of the Scene H transcript so that the students can check what the people are saying. Have them role-play part of the scene so that they can get used to expressing their feelings and showing social awareness in a communicative context.

Hand out copies of Worksheet 12.1 (Words to describe feelings) for their reference. Remind your students to practise signing the vocabulary in their own time.

You could make the worksheet more challenging by blanking out the English words below the illustration of each sign. They could write the English word descriptor that matches each sign as a homework task. Give them the web links so that they can view clip 12.1a or use the New Zealand Sign Language Dictionary to complete the task. Check their responses in the next lesson.

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